Gunter Pauli Blue Economy

Blue Economy

There are many ways too achieve your goal when you want to change. One way can be to slowly make little changes over a long period of time. Or another, more drastic, way is too make a 180 degrees turn around and start doing what you want to do today!
Gunter Pauli’s Blue Economy describes many examples and people who have done just that. Real “out-of-the-box” thinking with many (100) real examples that business all over the world could start copying today.

Blue Economy

A fresh perspective on Green with this book from Gunter Pauli. The book is a report for the Club of Rome about sustainability and change. He doesn’t argue that we have to give up our luxury live’s, with easy transportation of a fresh coffee everyday. No, not at all. He talks about many initiatives around the world that use our resources, not too mention our waste, in a smart way to achieve the goals we want, for example the fresh coffee I just mentioned. This example describes how the green waste of coffee growers can be used to grow mushrooms. Mushrooms are very nutritious and seen as a delicacy in many parts of the world. Pauli emphasises that even the waste of growing mushrooms can yet again be used in turn for feeding cattle. So instead of using only a few percentage of a coffee tree, a substantial part of the tree can be used which both lowers the waste and increases the revenue.

In other words, looking for natural efficiencies by combining processes can generate significant ecological savings and financial revenues.

Gunter PauliGunter Pauli

Gunter Pauli is the best selling author of Blue Economy, as well as 20 other books and over a 100 fables for children. Pauli is a member of the Club of Rome, Blue Economy is based on his report for the club of Rome and has been translated in many languages. Pauli is an an accomplished entrepreneur and founded Ecover, the first ecological factory, as well as more than 10 other companies and charitable foundations. Gunter has been a visiting lecturer at universities in all continents to talk about a Blue Economy.

The common thread in all his activities, including his children books, is the focus on a total green economy. As he says himself: “I am on a mision with passion!” Most of all, he calls himself a world citizen.

For a full list of his activities, check out

Get the book

Get the book yourself to read all the 100 possibilities. It is available in a couple different languages including Dutch and English.

VIDEO: Gunter Pauli report to the Club of Rome

Watch Gunter Pauli’s presentation to the Club of Rome in 2012 as a background on his book.

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